It all started one fateful night, specifically September 28, 2019 in Hoboken. Nikki was out with her friend Rebecca getting margaritas at good ole East LA and Ryan was “visiting” his friend Drew for his housewarming party at the Rivington. Nikki and Rebecca got a last minute invite to crash the party of the year, and the stars aligned. Little did he know, but Ryan would be setting his eyes on his future wife this night. The two started talking and then danced the night away at 10th and Willow. Ryan asked to escort Nikki home, and Nikki was hesitant to allow this strange man to guide her down the streets of Hoboken. Ryan gave her a sweet kiss goodbye and asked her to go on a breakfast date the following day, but Nikki had prior engagement. But, Ryan didn’t stop there. He proceeded to text Nikki the following week until he secured an official date with Nikki at Amanda’s in Hoboken October 5th, 2019. On his way to pick up Nikki at her apartment for their date, Ryan almost stood her up for tempting McDonalds, but he sucked it up, picked up Nikki and the two then proceeded to have the best date of both of their lives.
From there Nikki and Ryan saw each other for dates every weekend until Nikki brought Ryan to her brother-in-law's birthday party in December 2019 when their relationship accidentally became “official.” Ryan claims he tried to initiate the conversation on the subway to the party by asking Nikki what she was going to introduce him as to people but when one person asked Nikki who Ryan was to her, the words slipped out of her mouth and Nikki and Ryan became “official.”
From fall 2019, Nikki and Ryan endured dating through the COVID-19 pandemic where they basically went from each of their parents houses to the other, which was luckily only fifteen minutes apart from each other. Once life started to return to normal, they went on many trips together to places like Vermont, the Catskills, Florida, Punta Cana, and Chicago. They moved in together in Jersey City in February 2022 and shortly after adopted their beloved 90-lb puppy, Willie (named after 10th and Willow). Fast forward to July 27th, 2024 where Ryan planned the most special engagement in Nikki’s favorite place on Earth, Long Beach Island. Nikki was totally caught by surprise (NOT). The two are so excited to get married in Jersey City, NJ on August 16th, 2025 and look forward to sharing the special day with all of their family and friends. Nikki is so happy that Ryan chose to go on their date over McDonalds!!